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The Personalised Care Institute Curriculum (2020) England. Co-author.




Clinical Pointers: COVID-19 in primary care (2020). e-learning module, BMJ Learning. Co-author.



Towards achieving a world-class certified academy of family physicians in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2017)

Commissioned work 


Achieving Universal Health Coverage: Technology for innovative primary health care education (2016)

Commissioned to rewrite and edit this research to transform it into an engaging,

accessible report. 




Plants, Patents and Biopiracy: The Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights and Traditional Medicine (2014)

  • Winner of Harvard Law and International Development Working Paper Series, 2013.





Schmickl, C. N., Mastrobuoni, S., Filippidis, F. T., Shah, S., Radic, J., Murad, M. H., Toy, P., et al. (2015). Male-predominant plasma transfusion strategy for preventing transfusion-related acute lung injury: a systematic review. Critical care medicine, 43(1), 205–25.


Shah, S. et. al. (2011). Ethnic differences in the health of women prisoners. Public Health, 125(6), 349-56.


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