I'm a huge fan of theatre, film, concerts, and the Arts in general. Below you will find a selection of reviews I have written for Daily Info, a fantastic local guide to Oxford. These include several write-ups of events at Oxford's famous literary festival. For the full list, click here. If you would like me to write an independent and unbiased review for your publication, please feel free to contact me.
The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk
Oxford Playhouse
'My knowing you has already seeped backwards as well as forwards in time so my whole life is pervaded with the colour of loving you.'
The story of Bella and Marc Chagall, as told by Kneehigh theatre company.
City Stories: a selection of plays about love
A little too much syrup and navel-gazing for me. I would have liked an exploration of other types of love, not just romantic love. But if you can get over – or even like - this, then you will be as thrilled with the second half as I was with the first.